What is the legal procedure to register a construction company in India?

In this article, we will talk about the registration procedure of a Construction company in India Construction companies can register like the following Partnership Firm Limited liability Partnership firm Private Company Public Limited company Proprietorship Firm Procedure for registering a Construction Company Name of the Firm — The first thing is to decide the name of the company. If it is a Private Company, the name of the firm can be XYZ private Lmt. If it is a Public Company, the name of the firm can be XYZ Lmt. Objects of the Company — The memorandum of associations of the Company contains the main objects of the company that are required while pursuing the activities of the company, the main object of the company should include the construction & infrastructure activities. Preparing the documents required for the registration of the construction Company Following documents are required 1. Pan card 2. Aadhar Card 3. Bank statements 4. Address Proof (electric...